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- T R E K S E A R C H E R
- Program and Text by Knees Calhoon
- Additional Data by David Elliott
- This program began as a series of geoWrite documents by Dave Elliott of
- Cippenham England. Each contained lots of information about the episodes of
- Star Trek, ST:The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. I planned on
- publishing them as Geosware but never could find the space on LOADSTAR 64.
- Part of the problem was that I am not a big Geos user and I felt that the
- graphic quality of geoWrite was overkill for what is essentially pure
- text.
- But then I remembered a program that I had done for LOADSTAR 128 a long
- time ago about astronomy. It was a database of Messier objects and its data
- was very similar to what Dave had in his geoWrite files. Maybe I could
- revamp THE ASTRONOMER to fit the data. It was a crazy idea but it just
- might be crazy enough to work!
- -------------------------
- Dave also sent me information about Voyager but since that series is
- still being made, I decided to limit this program to the classic, original
- Star Trek, ST:The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine. When run, the
- program gives you a CRSR UP/DOWN and RETURN menu of your options:
- Classic Star Trek (database)
- Classic Timeline
- ST: The Next Generation (database)
- ST:TNG Timeline
- Deep Space Nine (database)
- DS9 Timeline
- Help Screen
- Quit to LS 128
- The three database options take you to a screen where information about
- each episode is displayed. The timelines take you to a scrolling screen
- with information about the future, as chronicled by the series. The HELP
- screen describes the workings of the menus and QUIT returns you to LOADSTAR
- 128 if there is a LS 128 disk in the current drive.
- -------------
- When you select one of these, you see a screen with seven "fields"
- showing data about Episode 1. The NUMBER field is just for a numerical
- reference -- it does not necessarily mean that the episode shown was the
- "first episode" shown on TV. The episodes ARE displayed in the order they
- were aired on U.S. TV but they may not be numbered as Star Trek officially
- numbers them.
- The other fields are:
- EPISODE TITLE - The name as it appeared on the credits.
- WRITER(S) - If two people collaborated on a script, they are listed as
- Author One AND Author Two. If the script was written by Author One from a
- story or book by Author Two, then they are listed as Author One/Author
- Two.
- LOCATION - This is the name of the planet or system where most of the
- action takes place. If it is an unknown or uncharted planet, then I may
- have called it by the name of the person or creature that lives there.
- NOTE: I had trouble coming up with details about the last season of Deep
- Space Nine so LOCATION for the episodes is simply "DS9". Feel free to edit
- the data files (see below) with better information.
- AIRDATE - The is the date that the episode was first aired on U. S.
- television in MO-DA-YR format. Yes, I have introduced the Y2K bug in this
- program. In the year 2066, users of Commodore 8-bit software may curse me
- for confusing them, especially if Star Trek spinoffs are still being made.
- STARDATE - The dates of the episodes as given by Kirk, Picard and Sisko's
- logs. In the world of Star Trek the first digit stands for the century; the
- second for the season number; the third, fourth and fifth digits point to
- the part of the season; and the decimal divides the day into ten periods.
- Keep in mind that in the earlier episodes this system was not strictly
- adhered to.
- NOTES - This is a field that the user can use to keep up to 32 characters
- of notes about the episode.
- You can navigate through the episodes by pressing CRSR UP/DOWN or F1
- and F2 to move one episode forward or backward. There are 80 Classic, 177
- TNG, and 162 Deep Space Nine episodes. Use F3 and F4 to move ten episodes
- at a time. You can go directly to a particular episode by simply typing the
- number of the episode. You must enter three digits, using two leading
- zeroes for episodes 1 through 9 and one zero for episodes 10 through 99.
- Press H for the Help screen and M to return to the first menu.
- -----------------------
- Press S and you'll be prompted to select a field to search. Press the
- SPACE BAR or CRSR DOWN to move the "highlight" to the field you want. Note
- that the highlight is a simulation of the button being pressed IN. Press
- RETURN when the desired field is highlighted and you're prompted to enter
- an EXACT word or phrase to search for.
- The Search routine uses BASIC 7.0's INSTR$ command so you can search
- for anything in the field, as long as it's an exact match. For instance,
- searching for "the" will find "By Any Other Name" as well as "Dagger of the
- Mind" and others. If the string is anywhere in the field, it will be found.
- The search is case-sensitive so searching for "The" will not find episodes
- with "the" in the title.
- When you search the STARDATE field, you can enter a range of numbers to
- search for, separated by a dash (-). Enter 3405.5-3800.3 and all episodes
- that take place between those two stardates will be found. To search for
- any episode after stardate 4300, enter 4300-9999; to find episodes prior to
- stardate 3000, enter 0-3000. Unknown stardates will show up in this range.
- The AIRDATE is also a numerical field but since the dates are not
- numbered in a logical, numeric sequence, I felt that the INSTR$ search was
- better suited. To find all episodes shown in 1967, search for -67.
- Before each search you are asked if you want the report sent to the
- printer at the same time it's sent to the screen. If you answer Yes then
- each match will be printed and the search will automatically continue until
- the file is exhausted. If you answer No then you'll have to press a key
- after each match is displayed to go to the next match.
- The print format is one that I felt was appropriate. It prints all the
- fields for an episode on four lines of paper then skips a line before
- printing the next match. If you want to change the format of the printout,
- feel free. The print routine is at lines 500 to 580.
- --------------
- The first version of this program only allowed editing the NOTES field,
- but then I figured that it would be easy enough to allow all of the fields
- to be edited. Of course, one way to edit would be to edit the data files
- directly with TWS or any word processor that supports PETASCII PRG files.
- To edit a field, press E and then choose the field as you did with
- Search. An input box just the size of the field opens up at the bottom of
- the screen. Enter the new data and press RETURN.
- IMPORTANT: When you edit a field, it's registered only in memory, not on
- disk. After each editing job you are asked if you want to save the data
- file. You don't have to save every time, but be sure to save the file
- before quitting the program or loading another data file. The edited data
- is not sent to disk until you SAVE it.
- -------------
- When you select a timeline you get a scrolling window with information
- compiled by Dave Elliott in it. Use the CRSR UP and DOWN keys to scroll the
- info.
- You can search the timeline for any word or string by pressing S. Enter
- the EXACT word or phrase and when a match is found, the line it's in will
- appear at the top of the window. Press any key to go to the next match.
- --------------
- I created the data files from those given me by Dave Elliott by using
- THE WRITE STUFF 128. For each episode the following format is used:
- episode name - (58 characters maximum)
- writer(s) - (41 maximum)
- location - (28 maximum)
- airdate - MO-DA-YR format (for best results always use the same date
- format for all data)
- stardate - xxxx.x-yyyy.y or xxxx.x
- notes - (32 maximum) most are left empty, for users to use as they wish
- Each episode uses six lines and each episode's data immediately follows
- the last. The file was printed to disk as a PETASCII PRG file. Programmers
- who want to use this data can easily parse it for their own use. TREK
- SEARCHER uses QUICKTEXT, an ML routine that turns a BLOADed PETASCII text
- file into subscripted strings at ML speed. Check out the routine at lines
- 150-160 to see how easy it is to turn a disk file into easy-to-work-with
- subscripted strings. QUICKTEXT is BLOADed into Bank 1 memory in line 40.
- NOTE: The fact that the QUICKTEXT ML is in Bank 1 is problematic. It
- worked fine for me for a while, then started crashing into the monitor. All
- I could figure was that a big text file somehow corrupted the ML, so I
- added code that would stash the ML for QUICKTEXT in Bank 0, then recall it
- just before the ML was invoked. That seemed to solve the problem.
- ------------
- The Best of TREK #11
- Walter Irwin & G. B. Love, ed.
- Signet PB 1986
- NOTE: Has an episode guide in the book
- The Trekkers Guide to The Next Generation
- Hal Schuster
- Prima Publishing 1997
- NOTE: Episode guide plus a lot more
- The Nitpickers Guide for Classic Trekkers
- Phil Farrand
- Dell Trade PB 1994
- NOTE: Detailed plot synopses
- The Nitpickers Guide for Next Generation Trekkers
- Phil Farrand
- Dell Trade PB 1993
- NOTE: Detailed plot synapses
- The Nitpickers Guide for Next Generation Trekkers II
- Phil Farrand
- Dell Trade PB 1995
- NOTE: Besides the detailed plot synopses, this book has a nit on
- page 7 by Fender Tucker, noted ST Nitpicker
- \\\\\ R - Run RETURN - Menu \\\\\